Friday, September 26, 2008

Buyers Questions...Answered

Here are the questions that were discussed in our group this week. If you have a question for a team of experienced buyers, please send it to us using the link on the right.

Do you work with a lot of designers off eBay and Etsy? As in custom sets discussed through email, but not won in auctions or BIN's. How many times would you have to buy from a designer to form this kind of relationship? Do friends have to recommend them?

We all work with designers off eBay and Etsy, and some of us do most of our buying that way. We do have to work with the designer a few times on the websites, though, because we have to form a trustworthy relationship with them. We really are careful when it comes to buying this way, though, because we have had some bad experiences and some issues with sets not shipped on time when the designer doesn't have to worry about the feedback they will be receiving. We do make some friendships with designers we work with, and we will go to these ladies for most of our off-eBay transactions.

Here is what was said in the group:

Some of the worst experiences I have had have been with people I bought from without them having the fear of feedback. There are certain sellers who do a great job when you buy from them on ebay, but the second you buy from them privately they take months after they have been paid and have the measurements and/ or sell sets with less details and less quality.

The ones I do this with MOST, are those, of course, with whom I have developed a "friendship", a relationship which is MORE than designer/buyer, if that makes sense.

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